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Indiana Haunters - for Halloween and Haunt Enthusiasts - 2013-06-08 Midwest Haunters Convention

Midwest Haunters Convention 2013

Jerry's pictures from this year's event.



The Costume Ball (Masquerade Party) was quite the event on Saturday evening. There were some amazing costumes. Just think of the money that you have spent to decorate and stock your haunt over a year and expect to see that kind of money and detail in some of these costumes.


We arrived just in time to take some detailed photos of the air brushed models (naked models) in the Fantasy Body Art Fashion Show. They had a professional photographer on site with strobe lights and a background. They didn’t want people using flash photography, so I was able to take some shots at 3200 IS0 at 2.8. Not the best picture quality, but I think I capture the moment.


We met up with some of the Chicago Haunt Builders group and took a classy photo.


We met all sorts of characters wanting to get their picture taken.


The floor show was full of vendors (Exhibitors) showing off their products. Heidi and I ended up renting a booth for the weekend and attempted to sell some of the stuff we made as well as some other manufactured Halloween items. It was a very successful venture and we will be thinking about doing it again. Our booth was named “Haunt Out Hunger”, the name of Heidi’s non-profit haunt here in Indianapolis. We also advertised the Indiana Haunters group.

 Pictured - Jerry and Heidi